New technology, techniques and materials have made squeeze tubes much more versatile, allowing manufacturers to use many different types and sizes of squeeze tubes for a larger range of products. In the world of cosmetics, squeeze tubes were thought only to be suitable for thicker creams with thinner, less viscous products being packaged in bottles. It’s the same situation with personal care where the only product packaged in a squeeze tube was toothpaste, but innovations like special caps, applicators with valves and more controllable dispensing orifices to around a millimeter in size have opened up the product world to squeeze tubes.
Why have so many manufacturers been quick to take advantage of this new versatility in squeeze tubes?
There are many answers: Cost, versatility, better protection of products, and ease of use.
Using squeeze tubes for packaging is an affordable way to deliver products from cosmetics to oral care, hair care and personal care along with the food industry and other products that are essential like oils, lubricants and adhesives. Whether you’re looking at plastic squeeze tubes, laminated tubes or aluminum squeeze tubes, the cost of producing these types of squeeze tubes is quite inexpensive especially when compared to bottles or jars. Plus, the prices of filling machines have dropped dramatically adding more cost savings into your bottom line. This is a big reason why many small companies, who relied on hand filling jars or bottles in the past because automatically filling tubes was too expensive, are now switching to squeeze tubes to package their products.

Plastic squeeze tubes can be nearly any size, making this type of packaging highly versatile for many different industries. Being able to create a product in small quantities and then package it into a trial size squeeze tube is a great way for a manufacturer to test or offer new products to buyers, retailers or customers. Having the ability to distribute sample sizes of an expensive cosmetic or eye care lotion (for example) and then be able to quickly scale production and packaging into much larger squeeze tubes gives a manufacturer a great advantage over jars and bottles.
Another squeeze tube versatility is the variety of tube heads. Manufacturers can design their squeeze tubes to dispense products in a number of ways ranging from the typical orifice spout to needle point spouts, slanted needle points, threaded caps, single-use twist top, hinged cap and even applicators.
The exterior presence of squeeze tubes gives you many different options as well, starting with the finish of the material that you can design to reflect a certain product or your brand. Opportunities with labeling are nearly endless as well. Silk screening in a variety of colors is a reliable, durable and affordable way to have your products stand out on the shelf with your own branding and marketing. Offset printing is now a common practice, giving your packaging a superior finish and high-end look that is cost-effective and relatively fast to do.
Better Protection of Products (Less Waste)

Nearly anything can be packaged into plastic squeeze tubes today. The biggest user increase due to a tube’s flexibility comes in the food industry. Food manufacturers have long faced the challenge of spoilage due to packaging like cartons being permeable on the shelf and during storage after the packaging has been opened for use.
Laminated squeeze tubes have an aluminum barrier that fully protects the contents inside a squeeze tube which helps to dramatically increase shelf life before purchase as well as after purchase and its initial use. Many herb pastes, tomato pastes, mayonnaise and many other ingredients now are packaged in squeeze tubes providing longer storage and easier use. Many companies realized great money savings by having these ingredients packaged for individually in specific sizes so they can be squeezed directly into a recipe with no measuring needed. This method dramatically reduced waste and spillage when measuring, along with time when specific recipes are made.
When it comes to the food industry, there truly is no limit to what foods and ingredients can be packaged in plastic squeeze tubes.
Ease of Use
Squeeze tubes are not only convenient from a manufacturer’s standpoint, but to the consumer as well. Whether it’s for cosmetics, personal care items such as lotions, oils or creams, oral care products or for food, squeeze tubes make dispensing its contents easy for the user. Consumers can use the exact amount of product in the squeeze tube packaging to reduce product waste during use, and then they can easily replace the lid or cap to reduce waste while the squeeze tube sits on their counter, dresser or shelf.